8 Toxic Habits You Should Break To Live A Happy Life


The journey to self-improvement begins when you learn to discard what is not serving you.

There are some toxic habits that have a negative impact on the quality of your life. They act as obstacles preventing you from reaching your full potential.

 Since you are shaped by your habits, you need to be self-aware of those habits that are getting in the way of you being happy and successful.

All you need to do is just look at your daily habits and ask are they helping you to move forward in life?

Are you evolving or just moving in circles?

In daily interactions, where are your toxic habits showing up?

What do you need to do to get rid of them in order to grow?

8 Toxic Habits To Discard From Your Life

In this post, I will talk about some toxic habits that you need to eliminate from your life, because they drain your energy, steal your happiness, and stop you from accomplishing your goals.


One common habit that is fatal for our peace of mind is complaining.

Complaining is easy, so most people fall into their trap. Complaining about the situations, circumstances, and people, we don't like does not solve problems. It calls for more problems.

We should focus on finding solutions and turn the things around for us.

Complaining does not make our lives good, but gratitude can. Feel grateful for all the good things, that you have been blessed in life.

Don't complain, because it squeezes out all the positive energy. Instead, be grateful for the things that you already have and work hard for what you want to achieve.

Holding On To The Past

Most people find themselves stuck in a rut. Because they are not willing to let go of past mistakes, unwanted memories, and unnecessary thoughts.

Holding on to the past does not allow you to move forward. The past is past and cannot be changed.

You can bring more vitality, positivity in your life simply by letting go and striving for better things in life.

Learn from your past, cherish your good memories, but don't dwell there.

Past is gone, but you can paint your future canvas the way you want.
So, use the finest brushes and make it the masterpiece of you.

Comparing Yourselves With Others

Another thing which steals your happiness is the habit of comparing your life with others.

In an all glittered and perfect Instagram world, comparing yourself with others and feeling insecure is common.

Stop comparing your life with others because we all are unique and blessed in our own way. Life has given you so much, so appreciate it.

Don't get impressed with other lifestyles, possessions, and success. You never know what their journey is all about.

Your life is all about you, so make it worth living. No one is you and that is your power and source of happiness.

Taking Everything So Seriously

No matter what you do, the world is going not to be happy with you, you will always be judged, get criticized.

No matter where you reach, there will always be obstacles, challenges and new journeys to be made.

So, take it easy. Don't get overstressed, overwhelmed because of the twists and bumps on the road.

This is what life is all about.


Worrying is the biggest energy waster.
It does not solve problems, but make you feel worse and pathetic.

Do you know that when you are worried, you are not able to analyze things in a rational way? To remain in a constant state of worrying highly affects your mental health.

How To Fix It

Instead of getting worried about the situations, you need to stay calm and find the solutions. With a relaxed state of mind, you are better to handle the situation,

Not Living In The Moment

You deprive yourself of many happy moments in life by thinking about your past or planning for your future.

While life is happening now. Everything exists in the present moment. The past is passed while the future is yet to come.  So, enjoy what you have got at the present moment.

Stay engaged in the now. Stay here.

Trying To Control Everything 

Another toxic habit that you need to get rid of is trying to control things and expect them to always turn out the way we want.

It's one of the realities of life that there are certain things that we have no control over. So, don't try to force the things and let them flow in a natural way.

Be strong, don't rush and remember that the timing of your life is never wrong.

Being Afraid Of Failing 

Most of us shy away from taking initiatives because we are afraid of failure. The fear of failure does not allow us to push our limits and venture out of our comfort zone.

We need to break this habit of fearing failure because it does not allow us to be resilient in the face of setbacks and challenges.

Remember, if you are not failing you are not improving. It's in those times of failure that we learn the most. Failure is a natural part of being alive.

Let's Chat

How often do you access your daily habits?

What toxic habit do you want to get rid of?

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