7 Benefits Of Journaling

Did you know that there is a whopping amount of research that shows that journaling helps to improve your overall well-being?

There are so many simple choices we can make in our day to day lives to become more mindful. And journaling is one of them.

Benefits of  Journaling 

There are several benefits of journaling. Here I am sharing those that add real value to your life.

Clarify your thoughts

It is relatively easy for you to lose track of your thoughts when you have so much going on around you. So, you caught up in the trap of uncertainty.

Spending a few minutes to write down your thoughts helps you to get in touch with your inner self. It clears your mind from unwanted thoughts and helps you to understand your feelings in a better way.

Relieve stress

In today's mad rush, stress is unavoidable. But this should not be the case.
Daily writing helps to release the stress from your mind on paper. It also makes you look at stressful situations more rationally. Because during writing down your bad experiences, you realize that there is so much that you can do to turn them into good ones.

Silence your inner critic

On most occasions, your inner critic does not allow you to move forward in life. It keeps telling you that you are not doing good enough. Whenever you feel the inner critic controlling you, journaling can be of solace for you.

 Writing about your achievements reminds you that you are doing enough and deserve more appreciation than criticism.

Evoke Mindfulness

Daily journaling is a powerful tool to be more mindful. It requires your mind to pay full attention, going from dormancy to actively engaging with your inner self.

Keep memory sharp

Journaling improves your comprehension and sharpens your memory.

It leaves your mind in a state of stillness that provides more space to retain your old thoughts and memories.
It allows you to organize your feelings and express them in a comprehensive way.

Help to achieve your goals

Putting down your goals makes them more practical. It acts as a stimulus for you to work on them to turn them into reality.
You start feeling accountable to your goals. When you write about your objectives, you achieve them much faster.

Boost your creativity

Writing makes you a creative person. Your creative sense becomes more active when you are writing down your thoughts.

You brainstorm for new ideas and seek out new vocabulary words. It brings the best out of you.

Lets Chat!

Do you journal? Have you noticed any benefits?

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