Why You Should Practice Gratitude?


Do you know that starting your day with practicing gratitude can be a headstart to a joyous day? Because it turns what you have into enough, opens your eyes to the blessings you have, and makes you greet them, hold them, accept them, and thank them. 

You might be struggling with so many things in your life, but always remember that feeling grateful for the good things in life is not a challenge. It's a choice. When you focus on how the good is good, it turns good into better.

List of things you should be grateful for

As you know, where your attention goes your life will flow. When you focus on good things, you feel more satisfied and peaceful. People who take the time to appreciate what they are grateful to experience more health, positivity, emotional wellbeing, and happiness. 

You don't need to struggle hard finding the reasons to feel grateful, all you need is just to open your eyes to see and cherish what you already have around you. Here are a few simple things to be appreciative of in life. 

From your  morning tea, 

The dress you wear

The perfume you put on 

Your uniqueness as a person 

List of places you have visited

Having adventures to look forward to

Comfy bed to snuggle up 

Sunshine to bask in

Lessons you have learned 

Challenges you overcame in life

Contributions you made

Pile of books you have 

To difficult times that help you to grow

All these are the moments that are precious and priceless. When you learn to cherish the small moments, you begin to feel a deep connection with yourself. 

Benefits you get from practicing gratefulness

Although the benefits of gratitude are endless here are some of them. 

It makes you appreciate the person you are becoming in your journey by accepting everything about yourself. I mean everything your strengths, your flaws. 

It allows you to operate from the wholeness. When you are satisfied with your life you begin to feel a deep connection with yourself. It helps you to stay true to yourself.

Gratefulness makes you value relationships in your life. It makes you understand the value of having family, friends in your life, who are always there to help you and support you in the hard times when you need them.
Every person in your life is there for a reason.

Gratitude improves your health. It unwires your brain, reduces stress from your life. Because it eliminates the cause of stress. People mostly suffer from stress, anxiety because they are not happy with what they have, they want more wealth, money, and success.

Practicing gratefulness makes you feel contented with what you have. And contentment promotes sound health, happiness, good sleep, and overall wellbeing.

All in all, it produces amazing results physically, emotionally, and in personal relationships.

How to cultivate the habit of gratitude?

Cultivating the habit of thankfulness might not be easy for many people. But it is not as hard to adopt as you might think. In your day to day life, there are so many moments that you can be grateful for. 

All you need to develop a positive mindset. When you turn your focus on the positive aspects of life, negativity disappears. Learn to admire yourself for everything you have done and accomplished in life. A little bit of self-appreciation is good to boost self-confidence and happiness. 

Journaling is a good way to write down all the little and big things you are blessed with. Making a list of people, places that you love, your adventures,  accomplishments, lessons you learned help you to realize how much you have to be thankful. 

Be thankful for all the difficult times, challenges, failures because all that helped you to grow, become wiser, and a strong person. 

Bottom Line

 Your life is filled with little choices, pauses, and pleasures. You only need to see them, notice them, and if possible to cherish them. Gratitude is a powerful practice of mindfulness that brings balance, harmony, satisfaction, and happiness despite your life circumstances. Don't forget that.

Lets chat

How often do you practice gratitude in your daily routine?

What are the things you feel grateful for in life?

Do let me know in the comments. Don't forget to share your viewpoint about the topic. 


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