10 Ways to build self confidence?


Healthy self-confidence is a beautiful thing. It is important to your success, physical health, and happiness. Because when you believe in yourself you make good choices, set the right goals, and achieve greater heights.

Most people struggle with self-confidence. They have education, talent, skills, resources yet they fail to accomplish their goals. Because they don't have the self-belief to take initiative in life, face challenges, and rise to the occasion. Their lack of confidence does not allow them to reach their full potential, foster healthy relationships in life. 

Learning to embrace yourself and truly own your self is a process. It's the process of unraveling the old stories and daring to accept all parts of yourself. 

Here are a few steps that can be helpful to build self-confidence.

Know your Worth

Self-belief starts when you truly love and respect yourself. If you not who else will?

Your personal growth relies a lot on the amount of love and cares you give to yourself. It simply means that you give value to yourself. Once you know your worth, you are more likely to make other people realize it. 

Be honest with yourself

The next most important thing is, to be honest with yourself. Because it changes everything for you.

 Clark Moustakas beautifully described this  " Accept everything about yourself, I mean everything, you are you and that is the beginning and the end no apologies, no regrets."

Focus on your strengths

It's important to be aware of the deficiencies within you. Once you understand your shortcomings, you will be able to work upon them.

You are blessed with lots of qualities, all you need is just to recognize them, work on them, polish them. Once you are willing to do that then the world is yours. 

Have a positive self-talk

Do you know that the talk you have with yourself has a huge impact on your mind and body? If you just think inside your head that you can't do this or you can't achieve, your subconscious mind will follow that and act in that way. 

So, if you want to conquer the outer world, first start it from the inside. Say encouraging words to yourself that yes I can do this, I am capable enough to achieve anything in life. Then see the magic.

Don't take criticism seriously

It should not matter to you if someone doesn't like you or criticize you. People have a right to speak their mind, you should be ok with that.

Likewise, your feelings are valid even if others do not feel the same. You are allowed to express the opinions that make you who you are.

Stop doubting yourself

Do you know that self-doubts hinder your growth, stops you from being a better version of yourself, and reach your goals?

A little self-doubt is healthy, but it becomes harmful when it prevents you from seeing your good qualities. 

To overcome self-doubt practice self-compassion, be kind to yourself, tell yourself that you are worthy of getting what you want. 

Don't hold to problems desperately

Every person has value and the ability to bring something valuable to the table. Every problem offers you an opportunity because it is there for a reason to give you some valuable lessons and build your resilience. 

What is need to do is to be open to the opportunity your problem has presented you. Don't let your failures, worries build up. Develop the courage to address them, face the challenges, seek the solutions rather than dwelling on them. 

With problem-solving, opportunity creat mindset shifts, you will see the world of opportunities open to you. 

Never compare yourself with others

If you want to amp up your confidence, never get entangled in the vicious cycle of comparison with others. Don't let someone's else success make you feel that you are unworthy.
You are unique in your way. You must recognize your distinct abilities, skills, and personal attributes. Embracing your uniqueness can help you to move in ways the others cannot.

Build healthy practices

You must know that your health, physical strength impacts your mindest. Your fitness, your body is so precious, because everything you do, achieve in your life depends on them. 

So, get started on healthy practices like daily exercise, deep breathing, body massage, power nap, eating wholesome food. Don't be a workaholic.  The power lies in what you allow yourself to be. Cultivate habits that shift you to a healthy, relaxed, and confidant version of yourself.

Invest your time in learning new things 

They say that knowledge is power. So, why not to use this power for your self-growth. Your personal development depends a lot on the amount of knowledge and skillset you have.

Try new stuff, research the topics that inspire you, learn about the things you are curious about. Open your mind to new perspectives by reading the biographies of great people. Reading about great people help you to see a bit of positivity about yourself and ignite your passion to do greater things in life. 

The online world has made it easy to learn, relearn by downloading ebooks, listening to podcasts, taking online courses, and much more. So, take some time to better yourself and stay on the path of learning. 

Bottom line

To elevate your staggering confidence you need to have the courage to be exactly who you are. Invest your time in your health, your dress up, your skillset, appearance, knowledge because doing this gives you an automatic lift. 

Always remember that there will never be another you. Be honest, be authentic, and do the things that are important to you. 

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